Batavia Career Jobs oportunities 2012

Batavia Air has been operating its business in Indonesia for more than 20 years. Departing from a travel bureau, it increasingly improved its business to provide an air charter flight service. Batavia Air founded in 2001. In 2002, Batavia Air earned an Air Operating Certificate (AOC) and officially deserved for operating its fleet in Indonesia.
Due to our fast growing business, we are proud to invite candidates who seek career development with discover mind blowing management style and people development within our company to join as:
Accounting Staff for District (ACCT 12-11)
Makassar | Closing Date : 06 February 2012
* Computer literate, minimum MS Office
* Excellent logical, analytical and strategic thinking
* Persistent, punctual, tough and having good attitude is a must
* Detail oriented and able to perform well in under pressure
* Male/Female, Single with age 22 – 30 years
* Education S1 from reputable university majoring in Accounting/Finance/Management/Tax
* Strong knowledge in accounting/finance concepts and standard
* Minimum experience 1 – 2 years as Accounting, preferred in Airline Company
* Having brevet A & B certificate is more advantageous
How to Apply:
For those interested candidates, please submit your application letter, CV and transcript with the code position – location preference on email subject to:

jobs oportunities for google career, bank mandiri here!!!
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Google singapore career oportunities 2012

In the smallest nation in Southeast Asia, you can make a big impact. Serving as the hub for our Southeast Asian operations, the Singapore office houses one of the most culturally diverse groups of Googlers globally. This means you’ll be surrounded by fellow Googlers with various backgrounds, local, and international experience, diverse language skills, and most importantly, a shared desire to make a difference.
Browse Singapore openings :
* Engineering Operations & Management
Sales, General, and Administrative
* Advertising & Enterprise Sales
* Finance
* Marketing & Communications
* Legal & Public Policy
* Business Operations & Development
* Real Estate and Workplace Services
For more info pls visit : Google Singapore
8 Shenton Way
Singapore 068811
Phone: +65 6521-8000
Fax: +65 6521-8901

job vacancies for Bank Mnadiri, Police Open regristasion here !!
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Bank Mandiri career oportunities 2012

Bank Mandiri was established on October 2, 1998, as part of the bank restructuring program implemented by the government of Indonesia.
Bank Mandiri currently employs 24 294 employees with branch offices in 1296 and 7 branch offices / representatives / subsidiaries abroad. Bank Mandiri distribution service also comes with 6496 ATMs, and electronic channels including Internet Banking, SMS Banking and Call Center 14000.
Front Liners (FL)
- Jabodetabek
(Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang)
- Kanwil I
(Seluruh wilayah Sumatera Utara, Aceh, Riau, Batam)
- Kanwil II
(Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan)
– Kanwil XII
(Papua – Seluruh wilayah Papua)
– Kanwil XI
(Seluruh wilayah Bali, NTB dan NTT)
- Kanwil X
(Seluruh wilayah Sulawesi dan Maluku)
– Kanwil IX
(Seluruh Kalimantan)
- Kanwil VIII
(Jawa Timur – Seluruh Wilayah Jawa Timurt)
- Kanwil VI
(Jawa Barat – Seluruh Wilayah Jawa Barat)
(Di seluruh wilayah Jawa Tengaj dan D.I.Yogyakarta)
* Implement the service at the front office are determined according to standard Bank Mandiri.
* Serving the activities of deposit and withdraw cash, transfer / deposit non-cash (dollars and foreign currency).
* Minimum S1 from the University of Education Accredited
* Minimum GPA 2.75
* The maximum age of 24.00 years for fresh graduate
* Able Attractive
* Computer literate at least MS Office programs
* Not Married
* Does not have a nuclear family (parents, siblings, husband / wife) works as an employee of Bank Mandiri
* Willing to be placed in the appropriate application
for apply your application, please visit on link below :
Jobs oportunities for POLRI, PT Astra International here!!!
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Police brigadier registration 2012

ACCEPTANCE OF POLICE brigadier T.A. 2012
General Requirement :
1. Indonesian citizen.
2. Faithful and devoted to God Almighty.
3. Loyal to the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
4. Physical and Spiritual Health (Certificate of Health Institutions).
5. Never been sentenced for committing a crime (Certificate / SKCK from the local police station).
6. Authoritative, honest, fair and of good character.
7. Willing to be placed on the entire territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, and are willing to be assigned to all areas of Principal Police duties.

* Certified as low - the low high school equivalents (not including vocational Clothing / Catering / Beauty / Hospitality / kindergarten teacher / vocational no competence to Duty Police or vocational school run by the Department), with provision for graduates:
1. High School / Madrasah Aliyah uses Certificate Criteria for graduation with "Passed".
2. Another high school equivalent / Equality Program Package C / SMK (Includes graduates of Foreign Affairs) using transcript with an average value of either or by the criteria of "graduate" who has been accredited by the Provincial Education Agency.
3. Graduates of the D-III / D-IV / S1, in accordance with the competence of Duty Police, Legal Studies Program precedence that has been accredited.
* Age at the time of opening of Police Brigadier TA education. Maximum for 2012 graduates:
1. High School / equivalent: 21 Year.
2. D-III: 24 Year.
3. D-IV/S1: 25 years.
* Minimum height (with weight balanced by provisions that apply):
1. Men: 163 Cm
2. Women: 160 Cm
* Never married and could not marry as long as the education establishment and the Police Brigadier plus 2 (two) years after graduating and sworn in by using the attribute rank Bripda.
* Willing to undergo Office of the First Association for 10 years starting from the time appointed Brigadier Police.
* Obtaining the consent of a parent / guardian for those not yet 21 years old.
* Not bound by a treaty Association Office of other agencies.
* It has been domiciled in the territory of Police place a minimum registration 1 (One) year, as evidenced by the local ID and KK or diploma / STTB / Ratings.
* Following and passed the inspection / testing with a "knockout" which includes material and sequence of activities as follows:
* Preliminary Examination Administration.
* Medical Examination Phase I.
* Examination of Psychology. 
 For registration open the page on link below: 

 For those who need more info,

  Jobs oportunies for PT Astra Internasional, ChonocoPhilips here!!
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PT Astra International Jobs Oportunities 2012

Closing date : February, 3 2012
PT. Astra International sales Operation or Astra Motor, Sales Operation which involved in Honda two wheels vehicle distribution and retail, is seeking for potential candidates who, strive for excellence, have willingness to learn, and dynamic to fill the position as:
 future Leader Development Program (FLDP)

 Genberal Responsibilities:
 The Program is design to prepare Future Leaders in Astra Motor by providing knowledge and practices on our business
General Requirements:
  • Male/ Female
  • Maximum age 27 years old
  • GPA min 3.0
  • Strong academic background from any disciplines
  • Have organizational experiences
  • Have interest in Marketing, Business Plan & Monitoring, Customer Care, Service, Finance, and Human Resources Development Area
  • Willing to be placed all around Indonesia
 for further information please visit
 Send your comprehensive resume to

 Job Oportunities for ChonocoPhilips, Coca-Cola Amatil here !!
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